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Corvallis Walking Map

Walkable Corvallis

Corvallis has a rich history as a safe, connected and enjoyable place to get around by foot or mobility device. People commute, take treks for pleasure, run errands and link to other modes of travel all with the power of just one step. We celebrate those who embrace the slower pace and sensory experience of the City one enjoys when being on the ground level.

Introducing the Corvallis Walking Map

Planning Commission Vacancies

The City of Corvallis Invites Applications for a Planning Commission Vacancies.

A recruitment to fill three vacancies on the Planning Commission is now open and closes at 5:00 pm on Friday, May 6, 2022. Interviews with the City Council are tentatively planned for Thursday, May 19, 2022. Interested in applying? Complete a Planning Commission Application Packet.

WaterBabies & WaterKids

Osborn Aquatic Center has emerged as one of the leaders in WaterBabies and WaterKids programs on the West Coast. Osborn has taught the basic fundamental  swimming skills to 1000’s of infants and toddlers for over 20 years.

Constant vigilance is imperative to keep kids safe in and around water. Here at Osborn, it is our goal to prevent drowning incidents from happening by teaching the necessary skills to your child to be safe in and around water.

Our WaterBabies and WaterKids instructors lead the adult and child through songs and games to teach basic swimming skills:

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Ward 5 Neighborhood Meeting with Councilor Ellis

Councilor Charlyn Ellis will host a meeting for Ward 5 residents.  This meeting will include Public Works staff, who will provide information about active transportation.

Everyone is welcome to attend!

Police Department Earns CALEA Accreditation with Excellence

The Corvallis Police Department hit a major milestone this month with the re-accreditation of the department through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement (CALEA).

City Council Executive Session

The Council will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2) (d) (status of labor negotiations) and (h)(status of pending litigation or litigation likely to be filed). 


Executive Sessions

Facilities Investment Project — Values Questionnaire

Share your input on the list of values that can be addressed through different facility projects.
