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City Hall

The original City Hall, built in 1892, was a brick and stone building with a bell tower located at Fourth Street and Madison Avenue. The present City Hall was originally constructed for $50,000 in 1924 as a Methodist Church as a wood-framed building with unreinforced concrete block and brick exterior walls. During World War II, the building became the site of the United Service Organization’s Canteen, where servicemen stationed at Oregon State University and Camp Adair gathered for recreation. After the war, City Hall became a women's dormitory for OSU.

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Public Outreach

Citizens can stay informed about city news, programs and initiatives through a variety of formal and informal communications methods. Regular updates are shared via the Corvallis e-News newsletter, as well as on the City's Facebook and Twitter pages. Read on for more ways of seeking and receiving information. 

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Community Development Boards and Commissions

Community Development staff supports the Commissions and Advisory Boards listed below.

Citizen participation on City of Corvallis Boards and Commissions serves two important purposes:

Construction Activity Summaries

The following reports summarizing ongoing construction activity in the City of Corvallis.

Monthly Summary of Building Activity:
This report summarizes the number of building permits issued by the City of Corvallis' Development Services Division each month.
