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Reopening Signs

These PDF signs are available for anyone in the community to download and print to help share consistent public health messages as Corvallis and Benton move forward on their reopening plans. 

City Council Adopts $179.7 Million 2020-21 Budget

The Corvallis City Council voted Monday to approve an annual budget totaling $179,764,500 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The Council’s action was the final step in the annual budget process, which began in May with a series of Budget Commission meetings and included deliberations, analysis and feedback from the public.

The new budget goes into effect on July 1, when the City of Corvallis begins its new fiscal year.

Corvallis Public Parking Audit

The City of Corvallis is interested in learning more about its current parking program operations and programs. To accomplish this, the City hired a consultant to audit six key elements of its program and produce a series of white papers and recommendations.  The intent of each audit is to evaluate current parking program management practices, policies, and code to determine if inefficiencies are in place, identify strengths and make recommendations for improvements based on industry best practices and what is most reasonable and feasible for Corvallis.

City Reopening for Appointments Only on June 1

The City of Corvallis is reopening most facilities and offices for essential business on an appointment-only basis, starting June 1. Customers can call ahead or email city staff to schedule an appointment. Many City services, including Parks and Recreation sign-ups, bill payments, and building permits, can be accessed online at www.corvallisoregon.gov.

During their visit, customers will be asked to follow current public health guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including:

Urban Renewal Agency

The public may watch the meeting live on the internet via this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5857596926840857358

City Council Executive Session

The Council will meet online under ORS 192.660(2) (h) (status of pending litigation or litigation likely to be filed).


Rec Fit Membership

Purchase HERE online or in-person at C3 and Osborn Aquatic Center during open hours. Please fill out an agreement and pick up your membership card at the front desk prior to your first in-person visit. 
