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Imagine Corvallis Action Network

The Imagine Corvallis Action Network will meet virtually at 4:30 p.m. 

Community members who would like to attend the meeting may do so using this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5468399507657728781

ICAN is charged with the development and management of the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Community Action Plan, which is the implementing document for the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Vision.  Read more about the ICAN here.

Joint Ward 6 and Ward 9 Meeting

Ward 6 Councilor Laurie Chaplen and Ward 9 Councilor Andrew Struthers will host a virtual joint ward meeting at 6:00 p.m. on August 31.

The program will include a brief presentation by Community Development Director Paul Bilotta on the topic of middle housing and how the City is working to comply with House Bill 2001. To read more about the City's progress on this topic, please visit the project website here: https://www.corvallisoregon.gov/cd/page/middle-housing-code-update-project

4th Quarter Report Now Available

The 4th Quarter Report from the City of Corvallis Finance Department is now available online.

La Ciudad de Corvallis está aceptando solicitudes nuevas para el Programa de Crédito Rotatorio de Acción Climática

11 agosto 2021 - La Ciudad de Corvallis está aceptando de nuevo solicitudes para préstamos de baja interés para El Programa de Crédito Rotatorio de Acción Climática (Climate Action Revolving Loan program por su nombre en inglés). El programa tiene como objetivo la inversión en mejoras de infraestructura que reduzcan las emisiones de carbono en los edificios.

City Accepting New Applications for Climate Action Revolving Loan Program

The loan fund will assist nonprofits, co-ops, and governmental educational institutions in their efforts to implement substantial energy efficiency or conservation projects at their own facilities, or elsewhere in the community.

Week of 08/16/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

Cooling Centers

When significantly higher temps are forecasted, information about cooling centers will be posted here.

Higher risk individuals, including elderly, infants, and those with pre-existing health conditions that affect thermo regulation and are living in older and/or poorly insulated/ventilated dwellings are at greater risk during extreme heat events.
