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Proposed City Budgets FY 2021-2022

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

The South Corvallis Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission (URABC) will convene to conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Deliberations and recommendation to the Urban Renewal Agency Board will follow.

The City of Corvallis Budget Commission will convene immediately after the URABC to receive the City’s Proposed Budget.


Two Dozen Microshelters Built in First Year of Pilot Project

A total of 26 individual microshelters on four separate sites have been constructed in Corvallis and Benton County in the program’s first year.

March Treasury Report

The March Treasury Report from the City of Corvallis Finance Department is now available online.
