City Leaders Condemn Bias Crime, Offer Support to Affected Communities

News - For Immediate Release

November 5, 2021 - Elected officials and leaders at the City of Corvallis reiterated their support for vulnerable and marginalized communities in light of the recent arrest of three individuals charged with assault and bias crimes. The arrests followed an October 24 assault that included homophobic and transphobic slurs, according to police reports. The incident is being investigated by the Corvallis Police Department and the Benton County District Attorney’s Office.

“Expressions of hate and violence have no place in our community, and we are committed to standing up for marginalized communities targeted by this vitriol,” said Mayor Biff Traber. “In particular, I want to reassure those in our LGBTQ+ community: we see you, we support you, and our community is stronger because you choose to be here.”

“City services reflect the community’s closely held values, including a commitment to equity and diversity for everyone,” said City Manager Mark Shepard. “I appreciate the thorough investigation and prompt action by Chief Nick Hurley and the Corvallis Police Department.”

The Imagine Corvallis 2040 community vision positions Corvallis as a safe, secure, and welcoming community that “cultivates and engages a diverse and changing population emphasizing interculturally effective, inclusive, and equitable programs and services.”