Imagine Corvallis 2040
Imagine Corvallis 2040 explores the community’s vision for our future. The vision was adopted by City Council on Nov. 21, 2016.
The vision is organized into six focus areas to help community members envision all aspects of life when imagining our future in 2040. Corvallis city government will lead in the implementation of Imagine Corvallis 2040: Our Community Vision in Action, and will seek to partner and collaborate with individuals and groups that have an interest, contribute talent and/or bring resources to put the community's vision into practice.
Browse the vision book in English or Spanish:

Our Vision for Corvallis in 2040...
- Corvallis supports and engages a changing population in a welcoming community... that accommodates all income and cultural groups, advances the wellbeing of all residents, emphasizes open, transparent, accessible government, plans for stable financing of long-term city needs, and promotes collaborative City/University relationships in all aspects of community life.
- Corvallis is a safe, sustainable, resilient, small city... that maintains the community's safety and security, protects its natural environment, addresses a changing climate, and prepares for emergencies with special attention paid to its most vulnerable populations.
- Corvallis connects health care, education, and human services... supporting a healthy, educated, accessible community with a high level of well-being; enhanced understanding of cultural differences; and an environment of learning, engagement and achievement.
- Corvallis has a robust, diversified economy supporting good jobs and a livable community... with a wide range of small and medium-sized businesses that are environmentally responsible and involved in the community, including innovative new companies serving local and global markets.
- Corvallis cultivates an identity centered on arts, culture, recreation and celebration... where the arts and recreation are essential parts of the community's economy, quality of life and sense of place. Arts, cultural experiences, and recreational opportunities benefit from exceptional community support, are accessible to all community members, and make the city a regional destination.
- Corvallis is a compact, well-planned, livable city... with a vibrant downtown and commercial centers that blend employment, retail and housing; stable, healthy neighborhoods; a diverse mix of affordable housing; and a network of parks and green spaces, all connected by transit, biking and walking.
Imagine Corvallis 2040 builds upon the progress made in the 2020 Vision Statement.