Benton County Voters Approve New 9-1-1 Service District

Corvallis Regional Communications Center

Voters in Benton County voted decisively on November 5 to approve a new taxing district to fund increased services for 9-1-1 emergency communications countywide.

Measure 2-124 passed with about 61% approval, according to preliminary results from the Benton County Elections Office. Certified results will be available later in the month.

The new district will replace the existing 9-1-1 agreement that dates back to 1983. Emergency communications in Benton County has evolved in both technology and customer expectations in the 35 years since the original agreement was put into place. Funding provided by the member agencies in the original agreement has not kept up with growth in Benton County and the impact of new technology such as mobile phones and GPS. The new service district will create a new, more sustainable funding model to deliver these vital services throughout the County.

The Corvallis Regional Communications Center (CRCC) provides 9-1-1 emergency communications and dispatch services for all of Benton County, an area of about 726 square miles. CRCC operates out of the Corvallis Police Department. Funds from the new district will be used to hire dispatchers and supervisors, reducing response times and improving the accuracy of 9-1-1 calls that come into the center. Funds will also be used to replace and update vital infrastructure.

“The 9-1-1 center serves as the entry point for all emergency services in Benton County,” said Corvallis Police Chief Jon Sassaman. “Nobody begins their day wanting to call 9-1-1 for an emergency, but everyone expects the service to be there when they need it. With this new district, we’ll be able to improve 9-1-1 services throughout Benton County.”

The new district has a maximum assessed rate of $0.65 per $1,000 of assessed value, but district officials intend to levy a reduced rate – $0.45 per $1,000 of assessed value – for the foreseeable future, to leave room for future needs as the county grows. Funding gathered through the district would be distributed to CRCC by the Benton County Board of Commissioners.