Historic Walking Tour - Burnett Brick

Burnett Brick


"Stephen Dow Beckham, 1976 

The A.J.'s Photo Lab Building is a rectangular, two-story, brick building located at the southwest corner of southwest Second and southwest Jefferson Streets in Corvallis, Oregon. This building is of brick construction but has been covered with an exterior of stucco. The fenestration has been altered on both the first and second floors. The original detail surviving is located on the second floor of the east (front) elevation and in the facade around the roof above the second floor on the east and north elevations. 

In 1884, according to the Sanborn Insurance Map of Corvallis, this building housed a drug store, book store, stationery shop, and jewelry store. 

"Sanborn Insurance Map, Corvallis, Oregon, 1884," Horner Museum, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 

Addendum to 1976 Statewide Inventory Form 

This building is the Burnett Brick, built in 1882. Original occupants included the H. E. Harris Store (not to be confused with the later J. H. Harris Store) and Dr. N. B. Avery's office. Another early business in this location was the Benton County Bank, established by M. S. Woodcock in the late 1880's. Among the various occupants at the turn of the century were: the Ladies Bazaar, the Ella Johnson Millinery, and E. B. Horning's Grocery. One of the buildings longest and most well-known business establishments was the J. H. Harris Dry Goods Store. 

In the 20th Century, the building housed the Huston Hardware store and the Atwood Grocery, among other businesses. 

Sources Consulted

  • Gazette, Corvallis, Oregon, Summer 1882.
  • Gazette-Times, Corvallis, July 21, 1900.
  • Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.