Green Grants

The applications for the 2024 Green Grants program has now closed. The deadline to apply was May 13, 2024. 

About the Green Grants Program

In 2022, the Corvallis City Council allocated funds from the Council discretionary fund to create a one-time Green Grants program to fund projects and initiatives that move the dial on climate change. This is a competitive grant program. In 2023, the City Council once again allocated discretionary funds for the Green Grants program.  Applications are reviewed by the Climate Action Policy Advisory Board (CAAB).

Funding Requirements

The Green Grants fund has $5,000 available for all projects this year. Applicants are encouraged to take that into consideration when making their request. Matching funds and in-kind donations for projects are not required.

For grant requests of $600 and above, the City of Corvallis requires applicants to provide an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or to partner with a local organization that can provide an EIN for tax reporting purposes. If you don’t think you can provide an EIN with your application, consider requesting a grant amount below $600.

Money will be distributed to grant recipients before June 30, 2024. Only projects located within the Corvallis city limits are eligible for funding.

Program and Project Objectives

The funds may be used by applicants for programs and projects that address the community actions in the Corvallis Climate Action Plan. A list of those actions can be found here and in the link at the bottom of the page.  Ideas of projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Improving or creating green spaces
  • Improving infrastructure for, facilitating or encouraging use of alternative transportation
  • Bike parking installation at businesses or multi-family complexes
  • Tree protection or new tree planting
  • Projects that increase reusing or recycling materials
  • Projects that decrease food waste
  • Educational campaigns
  • Low Impact Designs (LIDs), like rain gardens, storm water collection, etc.
  • Creation of community gardens or edible landscaping or gleaning
  • Water conservation or re-use projects

Have ideas for other neighborhood and community projects that don't fall within the Corvallis Climate Action Plan priorities? Check out the City's Empowerment Grants program that funds other projects in the community. The deadline for Empowerment Grant applications is April 30th.

2023 Green Grant Projects
Corvallis Evening Garden Club Plants for adopted garden beds downtown. Rejuvenation and maintenance of 10 garden beds at the intersection of Madison and Second Street.
Electrify Corvallis Informational video on how to retrofit your home for energy efficiency and climate resiliency.
Growing Ancestral Roots Expansion of community garden(s).
Institute for Applied Ecology Outreach on Park-ify Your Yard Program: Peer-to-peer learning network where participants learn from each other about the value of planting native plants in home landscapes.
KORC Radio PSAs on climate action.
Mary's River Watershed Council Dunawi Creek restoration at Bruce Starker Arts Park & Natural Area and creation of an education program that is free to the public.
Mid-Valley Bicycle Club Speaker fees as part of a webinar educating the community about proven safe bike infrastructure designs.
Linn-Benton NAACP Garden bed giveaway.
Seeds for the Sol Translation of organizational materials related to energy efficiency to enhance communication with underrepresented communities in Corvallis.
Central Park Neighborhood Association Urban Pollinator Habitat Demonstration.
Visit Corvallis Bicycle rack installation.


Note: Many projects may require a permit or approval from the City of Corvallis, particularly if they involve a city park or the public right-of-way (streets, sidewalks, medians, etc.). If you think your project may require a permit or City involvement, please email to determine any special requirements. 


Application Evaluation Criteria

Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • That the proposed project addresses strategies detailed in the Corvallis Climate Action Plan.
  • The impact on the community. Projects with larger impacts on climate change or on a larger number of households or individuals will be more favorably reviewed. Note: Projects that benefit one individual or household will not be considered.
  • The feasibility of the project and on time completion. All projects must be completed by December 31, 2024.

Who Can Apply

There is no restriction on who can apply for these funds. Eligible applicants can be individuals, neighborhood associations, non-profits, community organizations, or businesses. However, applicants should keep in mind that projects are preferred that benefit a wider array of a neighborhood or the community, not only an individual or household.

How to Apply

The applications for the 2024 Green Grants program has now closed. 

For questions or more information, e-mail or call 541-766-6900 x5283.

Page last updated May 28th, 2024.