Three Vacancies on City Budget Commission

Corvallis annual budget document

October 14, 2020 - The City of Corvallis is seeking volunteers to fill three vacancies on the Budget Commission. The 18-member Budget Commission is composed of all nine City Councilors as well as nine community volunteers.

Budget Commissioners are charged with reviewing and approving the annual city budget, and forwarding a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. The Budget Commission typically begins work in the spring of each year and wraps up in May. Commissioners are not required to have an exhaustive knowledge of City finances, but they should be familiar with the general services provided by the City, and how those services are funded.

Budget Commissioners are unpaid volunteers who are appointed by the mayor. For more information about the expectations and duties of the Budget Commission, please contact Mayor Biff Traber at or 541-766-6985.