Public Outreach

People having a discussion at a city meeting

Citizens can stay informed about city news, programs and initiatives through a variety of formal and informal communications methods. Regular updates are shared via the Corvallis e-News newsletter, as well as on the City's Facebook and Twitter pages. Read on for more ways of seeking and receiving information. 

  • Press Releases - Current and past press releases are available. If you have questions about a press release, please contact the Public Information Officer.
  • Social Media - The City maintains an active presence on Facebook and Twitter. Social media users can receive regular updates on city services and programs, and you're invited to chime in with questions and feedback. We'll respond as soon as we can!
  • Corvallis e-News is a regular email newsletter full of timely news, announcements, upcoming events and opportunities to engage with the City. Sign up here!
  • Public Records Requests - The City adopted an Administrative Policy establishing a procedure for accepting and responding to public records requests and establishing a uniform fee schedule for providing public records.
    A pdf copy of the Public Records Requests Policy and related forms is available here. 
  • Corvallis Community Surveys - The City has conducted community surveys on a regular basis over many years. The results assist the Council and the Budget Commission in prioritizing programs and services and in determining allocation of City resources. Results from the 2015 survey are now available.
  • Ward Meetings - Ward meetings are designed to provide comfortable forums for residents within each Ward to discuss ward-specific and city-wide issues with City Councilors and City staff. Most departments and the City Manager's Office are represented at each meeting. For the past few years, ward meetings have been held in different wards at six to eight week intervals with the goal of having at least one meeting in each ward over the two-year Council term.

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