Fitness Establishments Can Hold Classes in City Parks Under New Program

Group of people doing yoga outdoors.

June 7, 2021 - The Corvallis-Benton County Economic Development Office, in partnership with the Corvallis Parks & Recreation Department, has begun issuing Special Use Permits that will allow certain fitness establishments to host classes in designated City parks due to impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City partnered with a number of local fitness providers to develop this permit program.

To be eligible for the Special Use Permit, the fitness establishment must:

  • Be a brick and mortar fitness business that has been negatively impacted by limited capacity restrictions related to COVID-19 AND
  • Adhere to all current COVID-19 guidelines, including physical distancing and face coverings, as determined in the Sector Guidance issued by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
  • Provide proof of General Liability Insurance in accordance with City policies.

The program is set to run through September 30, 2021 from 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Cloverland Park, Riverfront Commemorative Park, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park, Riverbend Park, and Chepenafa Springs Park are eligible for use under this permit.

For more information on the permit requirements, please contact Heather Stevens, 541-766-6422, or Additional resources for business can be found at