Facilities Investment Project — Values Questionnaire

Chart showing building ratings

April 4, 2021 - The City of Corvallis recently completed a study of its buildings to determine the space needed for employees and the tools and equipment they use to deliver services to the community. The assessment identified significant and decades-old deficiencies in public buildings and facilities. Read more about these findings on the City website.

We have a plan in place to address these long-term issues. The Citywide Facilities Strategy, which lays out the scope of work, is available on the City website.

Share Your Values

There’s a big task ahead of us, and you can help out by sharing your input on the various facility shortcomings that can be addressed through different projects.

Please let us know what YOU think in this short questionnaire: ENGLISH | SPANISH

The feedback provided here will be shared with the City Council at their May 5 work session. This questionnaire will be open until April 18. We appreciate your thoughtful input.