Corvallis e-News | April 2023

In this issue: Empowerment Grants, Police 101, and the new Strategic Operational Plan

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Corvallis Parks & Recreation is excited to offer two upcoming opportunities for the community to lend us a hand in getting Riverfront and Central Parks looking good before all the fun outdoor events and activities begin! We often hear comments about how important the Downtown-adjacent parks are to the community, whether it be for enhanced business activity, out-of-town visitors and their first impressions, or community gatherings and enjoying time outdoors while watching the daily bustle of Corvallis’ city center.

To get the parks in tip-top shape, the Parks & Recreation Department is inviting the community to join us on Saturday, April 1 at Riverfront Park and again on Saturday, May 6 at Central Park, from 9:30 a.m. to noon.

Parks & Recreation staff will be there with various projects and the needed tools and supplies (bring your own gloves if you have some). Work will include weeding, spreading mulch, pruning, planting, litter cleanup, bench repair, bench staining, and more! We will be able to scale the project locations based on how many people show up – and will infiltrate areas such as Downtown parkways, City Hall, parking lots, the Library, etc., if we can. The more people, the bigger the impact!

We encourage families, co-workers, businesses, employees, service clubs, social clubs, churches, and more to come on down to make a difference. The Friends of Corvallis Parks & Recreation are also taking donations to help support the purchase of plants, mulch, supplies, water bottles, and snacks for volunteers.

Empowerment Grant Applications Open Through April 15

The popular Empowerment Grant program is accepting applications through April 15! Cash grants from the City are available to fund projects around the community. The grant program is inviting applications from the community in two broad categories:

Neighborhood Empowerment Grants are focused on improving geographic areas in Corvallis. Past projects have included landscape improvements, neighborhood events, public art installations, education programs, and training services.

Community Empowerment Grants are focused on assisting individuals and organizations doing enriching work throughout Corvallis. Example grants include cultural events, guest lectures, and outreach campaigns. Often this work cuts across different geographic areas and may serve diverse community groups.

For more information, check out this video from our Empowerment Grant Workshop in March. The video offers an overview of the application process as well as insights about how to propose a successful project. 

Empowerment grants are typically in the range of $250 to $600 each. Anyone can apply for an Empowerment Grant, though some restrictions and guidelines may apply. Visit to learn more.

Planning Commission Vacancies

We're recruiting to fill a couple vacancies on the Planning Commission. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in land use policies and local development. You don't have to be an expert on any of these topics - we're just looking for people who can consider information, weigh options against criteria, and contribute to discussions that lead to thoughtful, informed decisions. Maybe that's you!

Everything is explained on this page on the city website. You can apply online or download a packet to fill out later. For questions, please feel free to reach out to Jason Yaich at

Preparedness is a Skill for Everyone

Are you ready?

If a major disaster should occur in our community, the capability of our first responders to respond to this large scale emergency would be severely strained. In the first 12 to 72 hours, having community members who are better prepared to take care of themselves and others in times of crisis will allow emergency services to focus on the most critical, life-threatening situations.

In most emergencies, a neighbor or bystander provides the first immediate assistance on the scene. Corvallis CERT offers training to help you be prepared with your neighbors and family members. CERT training is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference.

What Is Corvallis CERT?

The Corvallis Community Emergency Response Team Program educates and trains individuals in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and basic medical operations. The program is affiliated with the City of Corvallis Fire Department. In an emergency, Corvallis CERT members are an essential core group of volunteer responders to assist in the response to a disaster and are dedicated to emergency preparedness and response for the Corvallis community.

There is a place for everyone in Corvallis CERT. Our members come from all walks of life. To find out more about training and how to sign up for an upcoming training course, visit the CERT page on the City website.

Facilities Project Check-In

The citywide facilities project is chugging along - recently we've discussed some preliminary designs for a new Civic Campus building, planned for the City Hall campus adjacent to the historic City Hall building.

You can explore a timeline of past & future steps in this process on the Community Engagement page

What's New at the Library this Month?

There's a lot going on at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. Check out any of the events below to learn more!