Climate Action Revolving Loan Program

The City of Corvallis is accepting loan applications under the Climate Action Revolving Loan Program. This new program is designed to assist not-for-profit, cooperative, and governmental educational institutions in their efforts to implement substantial energy efficiency and/or energy conservation projects either at their own facilities; within the community; or through the aggregation of projects that may include individual households, businesses, and other organizations.

Loans awarded under this program have interest rates deferred for two years. Any remaining balance after two years is subject to a 1.5% annual interest rate. Please review the application packet for specific details on this program.

Current Fund Availability: $17,900

Application Packet

Eligible Organizations: Not-for-profit organizations 501(c)(3); 501(c)(6), cooperative, and governmental educational institutions that are located in the Corvallis Urban Growth Boundary.


We are currently accepting applications!

Applications will be received until funds are no longer available. Loan applications will be reviewed at the beginning of each month.

For more information, please contact or (541) 766-6900 ext. 5283.

Updated November 2022