Census Field Staff Coming to the Corvallis Area

News - For Immediate Release

The City of Corvallis has been notified that the U.S. Census Bureau will begin conducting field data collection activities for the 2020 U.S. Census in communities throughout the country, including Corvallis. This work is expected to take place from approximately August 4 through October 11.

Field data collection includes visiting homes and residences to gather and verify Census information. Workers will be wearing ID badges identifying them as U.S. Census Bureau employees. Community members should always verify the identification of anyone before opening the door to their residence. The Corvallis Police Department has also been notified about the potential for Census field workers in Corvallis neighborhoods.

Participation in the U.S. Census is vital to the future of the Corvallis community. Gathering a full and accurate count of everyone living in Corvallis helps determine future funding levels for infrastructure, education, and social services. Demographic and socioeconomic indicators show how the community changes over time, which helps inform future policy decisions at the local level.

The Corvallis community is encouraged to participate fully in the Census by providing information requested by Census field staff if needed.

For more information about the 2020 U.S. Census, go to www.census.gov.