Notice of Budget Commission Meetings FY 2024-2025
Public meetings will be held by the City of Corvallis Budget Commission (BC) and the Corvallis Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission (CURABC), Benton County, Oregon in respect of the Proposed Budgets for the City of Corvallis for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. Meetings will occur on the following dates:
1. May 9, 2024, the Budget Commission will receive the City of Corvallis Budget Message. Department presentations with questions and responses from Department Directors will begin on this date. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Commission will take place.
2. May 13 and 14, 2024, Department presentations with questions and responses from Department Directors will take place.
3. May 15, 2024, the BC and CURABC will conduct public hearings to receive comments on the Proposed City of Corvallis budget and use of State Revenue Sharing funds. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Commission. Deliberations will follow the public hearing.
4. May 16, 2024, has been added to the Budget Commission calendar to accommodate unforeseen circumstances that would require additional time for deliberations, the meeting can be convened on an as-needed basis.
All meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. at Downtown Fire Station 1: Council Chambers, 400 NW Harrison Blvd., Corvallis, OR 97330. To observe virtually, use the web link posted for the meeting on the City calendar at Written testimony is highly encouraged. The deadline to register for oral testimony and to submit written comments or materials is 12:00 p.m., May 15, 2024. Written materials must be submitted via email or via U.S. mail to the contact information listed below. To orally testify via computer, telephone, or in-person, register with the Budget Office using the contact information listed below.
This public meeting notice has also been posted on the City’s website at A copy of the budget document will be available on May 2, 2024 on the City’s website at under the Finance Department, Budget, FY 2024-2025 (FY 2025) PROPOSED BUDGET, along with a physical copy for viewing on-site at the City Hall front desk. You may obtain a printed copy of the budget documents by calling 541-766-6990 extension 0 (zero) and arranging to pay for and pick up a printed copy.
Questions and comments about these meetings or the Proposed Budgets should be directed to Budget Inquiries, 500 SW Madison, Corvallis, OR 97333 or at 541-766-6990 or by e-mail at