City Council Meeting

Calendar Date:
Monday, August 3, 2020 - 6:00pm

Pursuant to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-16 issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this City Council meeting will be online only. The Council Chambers is closed to the public.

The Council meeting will be broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 21. The public may also register to watch the meeting live on the internet via this link:

This meeting includes two public hearings: Corvallis School District Long Range Facilities Master Plan (CPA-2019-04) and Land Development Code Text Amendment – Corvallis-Benton County Library Parking (LDT-2020-02).  Instructions about how to participate in these hearings are available on the agenda.

Community members wishing to offer testimony in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are strongly encouraged to do so in writing through the public input form at or you mail email comments to the City Recorder at  Community members who wish to offer verbal testimony to the Council either via telephone or through their computer must preregister with City Recorder Carla Holzworth Carla.holzworth@corvallisoregon or 541-766-6729 X 5075 by 9:00 am on Monday August 3.  The number of people who may comment verbally is limited to the first ten who register with the City Recorder. Each speaker is limited to three minutes unless otherwise granted by the Mayor.