Knox Box Replacement Project FAQ
The Corvallis Fire Department is replacing and updating equipment on Knox Rapid Access Systems in use throughout the City. Also known as Knox Boxes, these security systems allow firefighters access to a building in the event of an emergency. Most businesses in Corvallis are required to have a Knox Box on premises. Knox products are used throughout Oregon and the nation, and are widely considered to be industry standard for emergency property access. See below for answers to some common questions about this work.
Why are the Knox Boxes being replaced and updated?
Recently the Fire Department lost one of its Knox Box access keys. Out of an abundance of caution, we are replacing or updating all Knox Boxes in the City.
I’m worried about the security of my business. Is my business at risk?
We have no reason to believe that, if found, one of these keys could be used to unlawfully gain access to a building with a Knox Box. We haven’t received any reports of burglaries or unauthorized entry related to a Knox Box.
Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?
The Fire Department had to do its due diligence in attempting to locate the key. This involved an extensive internal investigation of staff, facilities, and vehicles.
Who is going to be paying for the rekeying or replacing or Knox Boxes in Corvallis?
The Corvallis Fire Department will be paying any costs associated with this project. There will be no cost to the building owner.
Who will be replacing the Knox Boxes? How will I know they are an employee of the City of Corvallis?
Corvallis Fire Department personnel will be replacing the Knox Boxes. They will arrive in a vehicle with the Corvallis Fire Department emblem, and be wearing a uniform or other apparel with Corvallis Fire printed on it.
Who has access to Knox keys on a regular basis?
Only City of Corvallis Fire Department personnel have access to the Knox keys.
What have you done to prevent this from happening again?
The Fire Department is installing a new type of key control unit on all department vehicles that adds an additional layer of security for the Knox keys.
Who do I call if I suspect that my business has been broken into due to a compromised Knox Box?
Please call local law enforcement at 541-766-6924 to file a report.