Transportation-Related Open Houses

Hello Active Transportation enthusiasts! Don’t miss two opportunities to attend transportation-related virtual open houses this month.

The Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT’s) Public Transportation Division is hosting an online open house related to a list of projects proposed for its new Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Funding Program.  It will be open until October 31. From ODOT:

Earlier this year, the Oregon Transportation Commission approved an increase of $55 million for pedestrian and bicycle projects in the 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. The money is dedicated to addressing critical gaps for walking and biking on the state system. At least 10 million will be used to improve walking and biking access to schools.

Over the last several months our staff has been analyzing data to find the most beneficial projects throughout the state.

Take the survey and let us know what you think about the projects in your community, which projects would have the most impact on you, what concerns you have and what improvements you think would be most helpful.

The Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is hosting two virtual open house sessions on Monday, October 25, for its ongoing update to the Regional Transportation Plan. Each session is one hour and will include a presentation on the future scenarios analysis and a Q and A segment. From CAMPO:

What is the Regional Transportation Plan?

The purpose of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is to identify how the Corvallis Metropolitan Area will meet the needs of the transportation system over a 20-year planning horizon. The RTP contains projects and policies to guide the development of a multi-modal transportation system (including transit, highway, bicycle, pedestrian, and accessible transportation) which meets the region’s economic, transportation, development and sustainability goals, while remaining fiscally constrained.

We want to hear your voice - join us to learn about the future scenarios analysis and provide input.