Liquid Degree - Swimming Lesson Program

kids in swim lesson class


Summer Swim Lesson Registration Opens at 9:00am May 11

Lesson Group Descriptions:

WaterBabies: Instructors lead songs and games to prepare parents and their babies for a lifelong love of swimming. Skills developed: Breath control, floating, kicking, and arm motions. (Parent/Caregiver in water) Ages: 6 - 18 months

Waterkids: WaterKids continues developing same skills as WaterBabies with more independence. (Parent/Caregiver in water) Ages: 18 - 36 months

Youth Lessons: Liquid Degree Swim Lessons teaches swimming skills using progressions for ongoing success as children learn lifelong swimming skills. Ages: 3 years and up

Teen/Preteen: Osborn's specialty instructors can help you learn how to swim, improve your stroke technique, or prepare to compete on a swim team. Ages: 12 - 15

Adult Swimming Lessons/Stroke Improvement: Osborn's Specialty Instructors can help you learn how to swim, improve your stroke technique, get introduced to lap swimming or prepare to compete in triathlons. Ages: 16 and up (no experience necessary)

Swim Lessons:

Lesson registrations will be available online, by phone or in-person.