2022 Election Information Session

Calendar Date:
Monday, July 25, 2022 - 6:00pm

Purpose: Presenters of this session will explain elected office in Corvallis and provide information to potential candidates. There will also be information about how local government works. This event will not be a forum for debating issues, nor will it address how to campaign for office. Everyone is welcome, especially people who are interested in running for Mayor or City Council or would like to learn more about City government.

Topics: The session will focus on the structure of the city government, Mayor and Councilor roles, key documents and resources, and the election process. Nomination packets will be available for people who want to pursue candidacy.

Participation: This session will be held in-person at the Madison Avenue Meeting Room, and will also be streamed live on GoToWebinar. Virtual attendees can join by signing up at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/881994566596200204. A video recording of the session will be made available on the City website.

Staff Contact: Alex Downing, City Recorder