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The New Avery Park Inclusive Playground is NOW OPEN!

December 10, 2024 - People of all ability levels are invited to explore the new, all-inclusive playground that opened this month at Avery Park in Corvallis.

The New Avery Park Inclusive Playground is NOW OPEN!
Miniature house next to a stack of coins and a pen

Over the last four years, the program has provided financial assistance to 849 income-eligible households.

Miniature house next to a stack of coins and a pen
City Service Updates

December 12, 2024 - The City of Corvallis Municipal Court will not be in session on three upcoming scheduled dates: December 26, December 30, and January 2, 2025. Court offices will be open on these dates.

City Service Updates
Contractors installing metal shoring supports in the drained pool at Osborn Aquatic Center

This page is a central hub of information and updates related to the Osborn Aquatic Center roof assessment. 

Contractors installing metal shoring supports in the drained pool at Osborn Aquatic Center

Upcoming Events


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Fall leaves and a plugged catch basin on a city street

The City’s Fall Leaf Collection Program begins Monday, October 21, 2024 and runs through the week of December 23.

Solar Panel dedication ceremony with mayor and city manager

The latest Sustainability Report is now available, detailing progress on municipal sustainability and climate action initiatives.

Facilities condition ranking chart

The City Council has been working for years to make improvements to the facilities that are used to deliver City services to the public.

Coordinated Homeless Response

Benton County, the City of Corvallis, and Community Services Consortium (CSC) are part of a pilot program sponsored by Oregon State House Bill 4123 to support a coordinated response to homelessness.

A printed calendar page showing dates in January

The Corvallis City Council three-month calendar tracks upcoming issues and key meeting dates.